2019 Tiny Teats Bethesda

Bethesda had enough after a full day at LA in 100+ degree heat. She refused to set up. bless her. 

FS89 (VEEV) @ 02-05

 S: Castle Rock Sutter's Gold
SS: Castle Rock Cleavland Sage
SD:CRF Castle Rock Tuscan Sun
FS90 (VEEE) @ 07-04

D: Copper Penny Edimi
DS: Copper Penny PE Julius
DD: Copper Penny MB Blue Lagoon

Lactation record to date

Tiny Teats Bethesda is from the first breeding we ever did at Giggling Goat ranch. From Copper Penny Edimi, another one of Kai's foundation does, Bethesda quickly bonded with JV as a doeling and eventually became a founding member of the Giggling Goat herd in 2020. She is also still the highest milkfat in the herd at 13% fat! 

Bethesda progeny: 

== Currently in herd ==

2022 Lil Gigls OH Purple People Eater 

purple people eater

S: Tres Rios O Horatius
90EEE @ 3y

SS: Tres Rios TC Ocotillo 
FS88 (VEE ) @ 03-03
SD: Sierra Aspen VV Elation 
FS90 (VEVE) @ 04-021

Lactation record to date

2023 Lil Gigls PLS Lady Godiva
lady godiva
S:Tiny Teats Pandemic Love Shot
SS: Urban Acres CRF-BH Skyggen
90 VEE @ 3y
SD: Tiny Teats Full Moon Riot
84 V+V+ @ 01-09 


2023 Lil Gigls PLS Salt N Peppa
salt n peppa
S:Tiny Teats Pandemic Love Shot
SS: Urban Acres CRF-BH Skyggen
90 VEE @ 3y
SD: Tiny Teats Full Moon Riot 
84 V+V+ @ 01-09

=== left the herd ===

 2021 Lil Gigls OH Nuka Cola
S: Tres Rios O Horatius
90EEE @ 3y
SS: Tres Rios TC Ocotillo 
FS88 (VEE ) @ 03-03
SD: Sierra Aspen VV Elation 
FS90 (VEVE) @ 04-02
lactation record to date

 2020 Tiny Teats Magic and Mayhem

magic and mayhemmagic and mayhem
S: Tres Rios O Horatius
90EEE @ 3y

SS: Tres Rios TC Ocotillo 
FS88 (VEE ) @ 03-03
SD: Sierra Aspen VV Elation 
FS90 (VEVE) @ 04-021

lactation record to date