Our Goats

Here at Giggling Goat we raise ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf and Alpine dairy goats. 

Tiny Teats is where it all started. A 4H project that grew into a new way of life. Owned by Kai Grist, Tiny Teats provided the foundation does for the Giggling Goat ( Lil Gigls) herd as well. We added Alpines to our herd in 2019 as a way to help boost soap production until our Nigerian herd grew. Now that our herd has grown, we don't need the extra milk, but we find that we love our Alpines so much we can't see our ranch without at least a few of them! 

We participate in Linear Appraisal and DHIR with all of our goats and our aim is to produce structurally balanced good producers of high quality goat milk. Our goats have easygoing temperaments, run to the milk stand, and enjoy their lives as dairy goats!  

 To learn more about our herds click on the images below:


Nigerian Dwarfs

Nigerian Dwarf Does

Nigerian Dwarf Bucks




Current Kidding Schedule

Here is our final list for the 2025 kidding season.


For sale

Every year after linear appraisal and milk test we have to make the tough decision to let a few does move onto new pastures. A current list of does for sale can be found here.