2024 Tiny Teats B-GN Pegleg
S: Tiny Teats Gingernut SS: Urban Acres CRF-BH Skyggen 90 VEE @ 3y SD: Tiny Teats Hot Polka Dot Tango VVGV 85 @ 2y |
D: Tiny Teats Bethesda FS 89 VEEV @ 02-05 DS: Castle Rock Sutter's Gold DD: Copper Penny Edimi |
Lil Gigls B-GN Pegleg is a special little goat! He had a bit of a traumatic entry onto the farm and suffered a broken growth plate. Despite his handicap, Pegleg is the most active and bossy of all the bucks and is not phased by his not-so-usable leg. His dam Bethesda was one of our best milkers in our herd. Her milkfat peaked at 13% and at nearly half a gallon a day of sweet milk, she was one of our more generous producers on our farm. Bethesda's rear arch and mammary system was also one of our favorites. Bethesda's Gingernut cross kids are some of the best looking kids she's ever produced, keeping Bethesda's substance of bone and gaining some needed length and dairyness.
Dam: Tiny Teats Bethesda
FS 89 VEEV @ 02-05